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Domino's Pitch

Deloitte Digital Internship Project


Domino's Pizza wanted to redesign their web and mobile app experiences to create a more modern look. 

Domino's Pizza prides themselves in delivering world class e-commerce experiences, but felt as though the web and app experiences did not meet this standard. Domino's wanted to create a design that took users through an intuitive and modern user journey, which would put them at the forefront in the food industry technology. 


Domino's web and app experiences are at a disadvantage compared to their competitors.

Domino's Pizza has been a leader in the food industry technology due to their willingness to adopt technology first. However, competing brands have grown and modernized their technology over the years, which puts Domino's at a disadvantage. Domino's wants to deliver an end-to-end holistic customer experience, a redesigned pizza tracker, infuse brand storytelling beyond the homepage and continue to deliver value first, and food second.


Domino’s wanted Deloitte to focus on UI primarily for this pitch rather than UX due to time constraints. 

Due to the limited amount of time to work on this pitch, my team and I focused primarily on the UI of the designs and less on UX. We focused less on user interviews and user research as these can be lengthy and time consuming. For the pitch we wanted to ensure our designs were captivating and unique. 


If we were to be selected for the redesign, we would have made sure to redo the entire design process to include customer research, user experience, and user interface design. Ultimately, the UI would change somewhat based on the research we do. 


For my competitive analysis, I went through 4 other pizza restaurant's mobile and web designs - Pizza Hut, Round Table, Papa John's, Little Caesars. I looked primarily for what was good about their designs, bad about their designs, and interesting and unique features. Here are some key insights: 


  • Little Caesars, Papa John's, and Pizza Hut had more clean and modern designs. Round Table looked a little more outdated

  • The pizza building experience for all websites seemed to be very similar in the layout, there wasn't much difference 

    • For all the competitors, their pizza building experience was a little overwhelming since all the choices were all on one page. It wasn't a step by step, gradual process of building your pizza

  • I really liked Papa John's pizza building experience since it showed what the pizza looked like as you were building it, the other ones didn't have this

  • I didn't get to see the pizza tracker for these websites since that would require me to place an order


Although we decided not to focus on user research, there was one important question we needed to answer in order to start designing. We wanted to see which pizza building experience would be best for users.


We explored two pizza builder designs and performed a Maze usability test to hone our approach:

Version 1: Single Screen Builder With Auto-expanding Sections

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Version 2: Multi-step builder with gestural customization

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We interviewed 68 people across Deloitte Digital. We found "version 2" was preferred by users over version 1. Users commented that they liked the clear steps in option 2 more and focused movement. They also commented that they don't want to have to open each dropdown. 


To decide the different features we wanted to include, we had to understand what might be relevant at each state. 


Ordering Domino's made simple.

While redesigning, I wanted to focus on simplifying the pizza builder and rebuilding the pizza tracker. The current Domino's ordering experience is cluttered and lengthy. I wanted to ensure that the redesigns were clean and intuitive for users.

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Pizza Builder

This multi- step pizza builder allows users to quickly and easily customize a pizza. This page includes enticing food imagery along with white space, giving it a modern look.

Pizza Tracker

The pizza tracker allows users to be able to see the step in the pizza delivering process is currently in. Users are able to see their order details, call the store, opt-in to receive delivery updates, and add items last minute to their order.

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Pickup Experience

I simplified and redesigned the pizza pickup experience to provide a clean design. I reduced cognitive overload through familiar interactions and intuitive design patterns. 

Delivery Experience

Ordering pizza delivery was redesigned to have consistent branding across all interfaces. It has a simple design which makes it easy for users to use.








I really loved working on this pitch for Domino’s. Although it was only a pitch, I still felt as though I learned a lot about the design process from senior level designers. This project was different from others I have worked on since I was working directly with clients. I felt that I was able to work further on my collaboration and communication skills since these skills were essential for this fast paced project. Being the youngest and an intern in a group of designers isn’t always the easiest and at times you can feel very lost and overwhelmed, but this project was extremely worthwhile and I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to work on it! All the senior level designers I was working with were extremely encouraging and helpful and they never made me feel inferior to them.

This project was only a pitch for Dominos. Due to the time constraint, we focused mostly on the UI and less on the UX and CX. If we won the pitch we would have had Domino’s as a client and continued working with them to redesign their mobile and web experience and it would have been more thorough with customer research and user experience. Customer research would have helped us further understand features & requirements needed within the experience from a customer experience. User experience would have helped us identify user-centric recommendations, flows and layouts.

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