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The fastest way to pick a movie for the night


Case Study Overview


Case Summary




User Research


Visual Design


Final Product

Case Summary


Mobile (iOS)


UX Designer
UI Designer
UX Researcher


September- October 2020




Picking a movie for the night always seems like an impossible task. Scrolling through the recommended movies for hours and not finding anything that looks seemingly enjoyable happens regularly. There never seems to be a movie that everyone can agree on. People want to come home after a long and tiring day of work and have a movie picked out for them, without needing to put in any extra effort. I wanted to create an application that would make this happen. I wanted to include movie suggestions that are tailored to one's movie preferences and streaming services available to them. All they have to do is swipe right for movies that they would want to watch and swipe left for movies that they don't want to watch. These choices are matched up with your friends on the application, making it easy and convenient to see which movies you both want to watch! 

User Research

Pain Points

To begin my research, I interviewed eight people over the phone about how often they watch movies and how they usually pick a movie to watch. I hoped to find the answers to these questions: 

  1. What are the most popular streaming services currently used to watch movies?

  2. On average, how long does it take to make a decision on which movie to watch?

  3. Do people often have a movie in mind beforehand that they want to watch?

  4. Can groups of people usually decide on one movie?


After analyzing the results from the interview, I was able to identify three main pain points. 


When it is time to decide on a movie, people want to be able to already have a list of movies to pick from that interest them.


It can be a difficult and long process of trying to figure out which genre to watch and then finding a good movie that everyone agrees on. People want to be able to find a movie that everyone likes quickly.


People say that their streaming services suggest movies that they often are not interested in and do not want to watch.

Competitive Analysis

I began to research applications that are already out on the market that are similar to this concept. I found the Dinggo app. The app allowed users to pick genres of movies they would like to see and then created a selection of movies based on their preferences. Users can match with friends on the app and create groups. However, the user interface was a little confusing and glitching. There were many buttons and pages that were unused and confusing how to jump from one page to the next. 


Other than this app, there was not another app that was similar. There were other apps that incorporated different categories such as spots to eat and activity ideas, however there was no other application except for Dinggo that focused solely on movies. 

User Persona

After I was able to identify the main pain points, I was able to create 2 personas. These profiles helped me understand different groups of people that would interact with the app. 


Visual Design

Design Solution

My solution allows users of the app to be able to swipe on movies that they would like to watch in the future. These liked movies are compared to their friend's liked movies and they both are able to see the common movies they are interested in. Users are able to input the genre of movies they would like to see so that they are only given movie options that would interest them. They are also able to pick their streaming services so that they can see movie options that are on these streaming platforms. This is what I decided to include within the app:

Streaming Services

This page allows users to choose streaming services they are currently subscribed to. This allows users to see recommendations on movies which they have access to. They can edit this any time on the settings page. 


Genre Preferences

The genre preferences sorts movie recommendations based on a user's interests. Users will see less of movies that do not interest them. They can edit this any time during the settings page.

Movie Recommendations 

Users see movie recommendations based on genre choices and streaming services. Users swipe right if they are interested in the movie, or users can swipe left if they are not interested. 



The feed page allows users to be able to see which movies their friends on the app are matching for.  I wanted to include this screen so that users can see what their own friends are matching for and this adds a social element to the entire app.

Matches/ Messages

Users can see movies that matched with their friends directly through the messages page. They can also message their friends and match movies within a groupchat.



The profile page can be seen by other users. Other users can see your recently reviewed movies, favorite movies, and most popular movie genres. 

Initial Sketches

I sketched out the application to help me visualize it and see how different functions will flow.

Final Design

High- Fidelity Wireframe

After creating a low fidelity wireframe, I was able to create my high- fidelity wireframe. I used Figma to create this.


The UI of this project was much easier for me as I am slowly starting to get familiar with different applications. I was able to learn many more skills and shortcuts in Figma with this second project compared to my first one. I hope that I can utilize other softwares such as Adobe XD or Sketch in future projects. 

If I were to develop this application further, I would like to extend it to other categories other than movies. I would like to include places to eat, activities, or any other important topics that users would like. 

You've made it to the end! I would love to hear your thoughts and any feedback you may have about my case study!
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